Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

Accept 100% Responsibility

The key to self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-respect is for you to accept 100 percent responsibility for everything you are and all that you will become in life.

The instant we accept complete responsibility, with no excuses, we become calm, clear, and positive pastinya.

The sun rises in your life, and all the shadows disappear

Ada satu essential part buat mengeliminasi emosi negatif, that is the practice of forgiveness. Everyone has been wronged in life in some way by someone.

Mungkin kita udah mengalami yang namanya bad relationships, jobs that did not work out, and investments that went bad. Everyone has been lied to, cheated on, hurt, taken advantage of, and maybe abused in some way.

Sayangnyaaaa, ini semua normal dan natural terjadi and an inevitable part of the human experience.

The only question is, "Apa yang akan kita lakukan?"

Rabu, 18 Januari 2017

Wealth Creation Today

After 1815 in Europe, and eventually in America, phenomenon occured that had never been seen in human history. People found that they could create wealth by producing products and services that other people wanted, needed, and were willing to pay for.

Legal system were set up to protect the production and acquisition of wealth in this way, thereby enriching every country that embraced a market system.

Because entrepreneurs and business builders did not fear that their wealth would be expropriated by the authorities, contrary to the way it is in some countries today, many of the best and most inventive entrepreneurial minds and talents became focused on wealth creation rather than simply wealth transfer.

Hmm, simply wealth transfer. Kayaknya perlu dipikirkan...

(From "Get Smart", Brian Tracy)

Senin, 02 Januari 2017

Say the Magic Word

Jadi ceritanya tanggal 26 Desember kemaren gue kecelakaan mobil di daerah legok pake mobil temen gue, dan ya otomatis harus ganti rugi mobil yang gue senggol + mobil temen gue ini.

Masalahnya, bukan di uang buat ganti. Tapi seberapa besar tanggung jawab gue buat "mau" ganti rugi. Padahal saat itu juga lagi gaada duit, dan posisinya gue lagi panik karna nganter warga yang kena patok uler bisa :')

The good news is... That any time we can say the magic words "I am responsible" and put yourself immediately back into driver's seat of our own emotional life.

Whenever we experience a negative thought of any kind, immediatelycancel it with the words "I am responsible!"

Dan lakukan magic words "I am responsible" ini berulang-ulang sampe jadi otomatis dan gampang buat diucapin.

Acceptance of responsibility is the mark of a leader, an achiever, and self-actualizing man.

Resolve today to become a totally responsible, completely mature, and fully totally extremely and "anotherly" functioning adult.

Walaupun kadang gue suka bilang Don't grow up it's a trap, tapi yaaaa.. Kalo di lagunya Paramore itu Some of us have to grow up sometimes~

Hmm, sometimes grow up perlu, tapi tetep "sometimes". Sebenernya beda konotasi sih ini grow upnya hahaha, yasudahlah lanjuuut!

Jadiiiii, apabila seumpama kita punya masalah. Just say the words "I am responsible" over and over again and mean it. This the real key to positive thinking.

Akbar Singgih

Goals Are Essential

Kenapa menurut gue Goals atau Tujuan kita itu penting.

Karenaaaa, goals enable to control the direction of change.

Kenapa ena ena? Enable maksudnyaaa

Karena bisa buat assure that our life and work are self-determined rather than being dictated by outside events.

Banyak yang bilang Rahasia Sukses itu, "Not to worry about things that you cannot do anything about something that you cannot change". So, we cannot change or slow down the rate of change.

Akan tetapi nih, apabila seumpama kita itu bisa meng-adjust and adapt to change much better as long as we're clear about our ultimate goals. Itu akan sangat baguuuus

Hmm, jadi ya begitulaaah. Intinya kita harus bisa fokus dan meminimalisir gangguan dari luar.

Jadi mulai tanggal 3 Januari 2017 ini, gue mau membuat resolusi yang akan jadi Goals gue. "I can be either a master or a victim of change".

I can be a creator of circumstances or I can be a creature of circumstances, nahlo binggung kan tuh? Sampe gasadar kalo gue Type "bingung" jadi "binggung" saking bingungnya...

Bingung ngga? Engga, bagus!

Daripada bingung, yaudah intinya menurut gueee
"Goals give POWER (ranger), (Justin Bieber) PURPOSE, and (one) DIRECTION to our life"

Nah itu yang pake tanda kurung contoh gangguan yang bisa kita minimalisir dengan adanya GOALS

Karena "Goals can bring out the very best that is in you, enabling you to realize your full potential"

Udah sekian, brb mau bikin resolusi 2017 dulu. Bikin juga gih sana, yang masukin resolusi 2017 balikan sama mantan juga boleh kok. Eheeeem😙