Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

Accept 100% Responsibility

The key to self-esteem, self-confidence, self-reliance, and self-respect is for you to accept 100 percent responsibility for everything you are and all that you will become in life.

The instant we accept complete responsibility, with no excuses, we become calm, clear, and positive pastinya.

The sun rises in your life, and all the shadows disappear

Ada satu essential part buat mengeliminasi emosi negatif, that is the practice of forgiveness. Everyone has been wronged in life in some way by someone.

Mungkin kita udah mengalami yang namanya bad relationships, jobs that did not work out, and investments that went bad. Everyone has been lied to, cheated on, hurt, taken advantage of, and maybe abused in some way.

Sayangnyaaaa, ini semua normal dan natural terjadi and an inevitable part of the human experience.

The only question is, "Apa yang akan kita lakukan?"

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